Upload your Timetable here:
Status: No timetable found. Waiting for user upload...
How to upload your Timetable
1. Go to the "My Timetable" page on Sentral
2. Click the blue button near the top right that says "Export as iCal". This will download a file called my_timetable.ics
3. Click the button above and upload your timetable file.
4. Make sure that the site says your timetable has been uploaded successfully. You can now delete your timetable file from your device if you wish.
5. You can now return to the main bell times page and see your classes!
Note: You will need to reupload your timetable every time your classes change as I do not have access to your Sentral account and cannot see when it is changed.
Privacy Policy
Your timetable file is NOT uploaded to any servers and all timetable processing is done on your device. I cannot see your timetable, nor do I care to do so. The site does not collect any personally identifiable information from you and stores all timetable data locally on your browser.
Thanks to all the people who helped test and give feedback on timetable sync: David, Derek, Declan, Ethan, he "Arya" pig, and Muntyy
And special thanks to all the contributors of ical.js. This functionality would not be possible without your hard work and generosity. ical.js is licensed under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.